Raw Materials


Different types of fabrics that customer can choose from stock or that Testori can reproduce with customized textures. These fabrics can be applied to produce seat covers, curtains, bags and various components.


This material is carefully selected with the production process that consists of a complex sequence of processes in which the skill of the operators is expressed to the maximum thanks to experience and increasingly advanced systems, the result of constant research over the years.


Foams specially selected for aeronautical use. Testori guarantees compliance with the burning lengths established by the legislation. These foams have different densities depending on the use and are divided into polyurethane and polyethylene foams.


Carpets designed for continuous foot traffic, made with a latex base and the tradition of jaquard, wilton and dobby style. The carpets provided by Testori are applicable from economy to business class.


Threads of all kinds and colours, for the production of seat covers, curtains or for the overlocking of carpets.


Testori supplies hook and loop velcro with different heights, colours and hardnesses.

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